Paul Whitman

Dr J. Paul Whitman (Osteopath) 

Dr Tully McDonald (Osteopath)

Mosman Wholistic Health Consultants is now partnered with Healthwise

Extracorporeal Shockwave therapy (ESWT) is rapidly gaining a positive reputation in the treatment of a variety of musculo-skeletal conditions.


It started its journey as Lithotripsy-the treatment and breakdown of urinary stones. It was identified that as a side effect, tissue nearby was healing at a rate greater than non exposed areas.


I first investigated ESWT 18 months ago and bought a machine in June 2018. I have found that it provides instant positive effects in most cases. It works using pressure waves form a compressor via an adapter on the skin to provoke a healing effect.


The areas that seem to respond best are in locations of deep muscle and connective tissue chronic tightness, tension, adhesions and scar tissue. This includes areas around the spine, hips, knees, ankles, shoulders and elbows, but treatment is never administered directly on exposed bony areas.


It is not a painful experience, but should be powerful enough to be effective.

Typically, one region to be treated takes about 3 minutes and is therefore used as an adjunct to Osteopathic treatment not a replacement.


Often more than one region may benefit of course.

For more information on Extracorporeal Shockwave therapy (ESWT) and to see how it is successfully being used to treat a variety of common causes of chronic and acute pain a well as more complex musculo-skelatal injuries please go to