Paul Whitman

Dr J. Paul Whitman (Osteopath) 

Dr Tully McDonald (Osteopath)

Mosman Wholistic Health Consultants is now partnered with Healthwise

All About Rotator Cuff Tears

It’s an interesting set of words, isn’t it? A rotator cuff sounds more like a car part than a piece of your anatomy, but (just like a car part) you need it to function. You need it to wash your hair, drive your car and reach the good chocolates you’ve stashed on a top shelf […]

What happens when we mobilise a joint? Is it time to call your Osteopath?

It’s miserable when your joints ache. It’s worse when they’re stiff and everyday movement hurts. Often, gentle exercise has everything feeling right again. But sometimes it doesn’t. If that’s the case, it might be time to call the osteopath.   You’ve got a lot of joints in your body: Hinge joints (your knees, for example), […]

What to do about Knee Pain?

Knee pain is incredibly common. It’s estimated that 25% of adults will experience pain in one or both knees during their lives. But children and teenagers can also suffer from knee pain. Sometimes an illness such as gout is the cause. Often, damage to the soft tissues around the joint causes pain. Many patients find […]

How Do You Improve Your Flexibility?

How Do You Improve Your Flexibility?   Well, you stretch – duh! But how and when do you do it? Most of us don’t want to be circus contortionists or yogis, but we understand that living with excessive tightness in one muscle group often leads to excessive pain, and potential problems in another part of […]