Paul Whitman

Dr J. Paul Whitman (Osteopath) 

Dr Tully McDonald (Osteopath)

Mosman Wholistic Health Consultants is now partnered with Healthwise

Ten Fingered Osteopathy


An Osteopathy degree takes 5 years to complete and practitioners must be registered by Law.

Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Chiropractors all diagnose and treat injuries using non-invasive manual techniques. Osteopaths may use techniques such as: X-Rays, soft tissue manipulation, stretching, spinal adjustment, massage in addition to laser treatment where indicated. They may also recommend exercise, and dietary changes.


Osteopathy is based on the theory that the Bodies actual Structure will Govern its ability to Function and is a manual and often more gentle approach to treatment, educating the patient with a Holistic approach to managing pain, rehabilitation, exercise and lifestyle challenges.


Allow one hour for the initial consultation which comprises a full assessment of medical history, physical examination and, if indicated treatment. Treatment involves mainly soft tissue massage, gentle joint articulatory procedures and gentle manipulation if required and agreed by the patient. If indicated, I may also incorporate the use of low level laser therapy which can be extremely effective on deep soft tissue injury.


We discuss a treatment plan which would normally involve further visits, an exercise program and postural awareness advice.


Allow 1/2 hour for subsequent appointments.



What Does Osteopathy Treat?


Osteopathy as a holistic discipline analyses the whole body and treats many conditions such as:


  •  Chronic low back and neck pain
  •  Headaches, elbow, wrist pain, sciatica, work related/repetitive strain injuries
  •  Post surgical hip, knee, shoulder and ankle pain and rehabilitation plans.
  •  A variety of muscular conditions and sports injuries such as tennis and golfers elbow, hamstring and calf strains and most other specific muscle strains or minor tears.
  •  Sports or lifestyle related injuries such as frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis and many other inflammatory conditions.

Please phone me to enquire whether Osteopathy can be of help to your specific needs on 0411 845 299


For info regarding the difference between Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic go to ABC News – link: